A technique used for opening the closed heart arteries is the Coronary Angioplasty (AN-jee-o- plas-tee), also known as the percutaneous coronary procedure. Angioplasty uses a thin catheter implanted into a blocked blood artery to stimulate and enhance the heart’s blood supply. Angioplasticity is frequently associated with a thin tube called a stent. The stent aims to widen the artery, reducing its risk of further narrowing. Many of your stents are covered with drugs to hold your artery intact. It is never feasible to use bare-metal stents. Blocked arteries, including chest pain and shortness of breath, can improve with angioplasty. Angioplasty is most frequently used to clear a damaged artery easily and to minimize damage to the heart.


Several patients with angioplasty disorders still get a stent in the infected artery during the same operation. A stent, which appears like a thin wire mesh spindle, protects the artery walls and helps keep it from contracting further following the angioplasty operation.

This is what happens when a stent is placed:

At B.P Poddar Hospital a stent is implanted through the wrist and directed through the artery to the blockage. The stent is broken down into a ball at the tip of the Catheter. The balloon is inflated during the blockage and the spiral-like stent stretches and seals in the artery. The stent sits indefinitely in the artery to keep it intact and to boost your heart’s blood flow. In certain instances, a block can require more than one stent.

The balloon catheter is deflated and removed until the stent has been placed in place. An angiogram follows to see how much the recently swollen artery circulates in the blood. During angioplasty, most stents are coated with antibiotics. Through the release of the drug into the stent, potential plaque build-up and blood vessel re-stretching are avoided.

No pain is caused by angioplasty. Local anesthesia will be injected into the catheter. The doctor will numb the spot. When the stent is released, you can feel some pain. You may be conscious and wakeful, but medications will help you relax.

How is it performed in B. P. Poddar?

The majority of angioplasty operations at B.P Poddar Hospital are conducted radially (via the wrist), which reduces discomfort and the risk of infection & hospital residence. We deliver the lowest pricing as compared to other nearby hospitals for Angioplasty & hospital residence bundles. The availability within one roof of the finest team of professional doctors and surgeons means a swift examination. Each patient gets the most cost-effective, time-saving, and fast-recovery criteria in the treatment process. BP Poddar Hospital takes the patient care systematic approach to combine multiple procedures from consultation to diagnosis, surgery, and eventually full postoperative recovery.