Infection Control

At B. P. Poddar Hospital, we prioritize the health and well-being of our patients by maintaining state-of-the-art infection control facilities. Our commitment to providing a safe and secure environment is evident in the robust measures we have implemented to prevent the spread of infections. In this article, we delve into the key features of our infection control facilities and how they contribute to ensuring the highest standards of patient safety.

  1. Isolation Units: Dedicated areas for isolating patients with contagious infections to prevent the spread of diseases to others.
  2. Sterilization Protocols: Strict protocols for sterilizing medical equipment, instruments, and surfaces to ensure a clean and safe environment.
  3. Hand Hygiene Stations: Easily accessible hand hygiene stations with hand sanitizers and handwashing facilities for both staff and visitors.
  4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Adequate supply and proper disposal procedures for PPE, including masks, gloves, gowns, and eye protection.
  5. Ventilation Systems: Well-designed ventilation systems to minimize airborne transmission of infectious agents.
  6. Waste Management: Effective waste disposal systems for proper disposal of medical waste, including infectious materials.
  7. Training Programs: Ongoing training programs for healthcare staff on infection control measures and best practices.
  8. Surveillance and Monitoring: Regular surveillance and monitoring of infection rates within the hospital, with prompt action in case of outbreaks.
  9. Cleaning and Disinfection: Rigorous cleaning and disinfection schedules for patient rooms, common areas, and medical equipment.
  10. Visitor Guidelines: Clear guidelines for visitors, including restrictions during infectious outbreaks and the importance of adherence to infection control measures.
  11. Patient Education: Educational materials and programs to inform patients about infection prevention, including proper hygiene practices.
  12. Emergency Response Plan: A comprehensive plan for managing infectious disease emergencies, including coordination with local health authorities.
  13. Technology Integration: Use of technology for contact tracing, monitoring, and other infection control measures.