Gynaecology & Obstetrics

Dedicated Mother & Child Centre

A dedicated Mother & Child Centre is a specialized unit within a hospital that focuses exclusively on the care of pregnant women, newborns, and infants. It offers comprehensive services, including antenatal care, labor and delivery, postpartum care, and neonatal intensive care. This centralized approach ensures specialized expertise and resources for mother and child health.

Presence of NICU, PICU, and SCBU for high-risk deliveries

  • NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit): A NICU is equipped to provide critical care for newborn babies with complications or premature birth. It has advanced life-support systems, specialized medical equipment, and experienced neonatal specialists.
  • PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit): A PICU cares for critically ill infants and children. While primarily focused on post-neonatal care, it can also support newborns with complex conditions requiring advanced pediatric care.
  • SCBU (Special Care Baby Unit): An SCBU is designed for babies who require additional care and monitoring but not the intensive level of a NICU. It provides a nurturing environment for babies to grow and develop.

The presence of these units is crucial for hospitals handling high-risk deliveries, as it ensures immediate and specialized care for both mother and child.

Nursery with temperature and humidity controller

A nursery is a dedicated space for newborn babies. The presence of a temperature and humidity controller ensures a stable and optimal environment for the newborns, mimicking the conditions of the womb as closely as possible. This helps in maintaining the baby’s body temperature and preventing infections.

Bubble CPAP and Pediatric Ventilator

  • Bubble CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure): This is a non-invasive respiratory support method used to treat newborn babies with breathing difficulties. It delivers a continuous flow of air or oxygen to keep the baby’s airways open.
  • Pediatric Ventilator: A ventilator is a life-support machine that helps babies breathe by delivering oxygen to their lungs. It is used for newborns with severe respiratory problems.

Baby warmers

Baby warmers are incubators that maintain a warm and stable environment for newborns, especially premature or low-birth-weight babies. They help regulate the baby’s body temperature and prevent hypothermia.

Phototherapy for neonates

Phototherapy is a treatment for newborn jaundice, where excess bilirubin builds up in the baby’s blood. It involves exposing the baby to special lights that break down the bilirubin.

Hysterectomy and other surgeries conducted using the latest Karl Storz 4K Laparoscope

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique that uses small incisions and a camera to perform the operation. The Karl Storz 4K Laparoscope is a high-definition laparoscope that provides excellent visualization during the surgery, allowing for greater precision and reduced surgical trauma. This technology enables surgeons to perform a wide range of gynecological procedures, including hysterectomy, with minimal scarring and faster recovery times.

By offering these facilities and services, a gynecology department can provide comprehensive care for women and newborns, addressing a wide range of healthcare needs.