
Covid-19 Home Isolation: Tips to Stay Safe

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The third wave have seen a massive surge in the Covid cases. So far, many cases are mild and Doctors are recommending Home Isolation as a pre-emptive measure. Let us know more about 8 important tips on how to keep yourself and others safe.
  1. Stay Isolated in one Room: Stay away from your family and other people with Covid symptoms as much as possible
  2. Open Windows: Opening windows helps in circulation of the air and reduced the viral load of the room in which you are enclosed. Also try to use a seperate bathroom if there is an option.
  3. Avoid shared space as much as possible: When using using shared spaces, limit your movements. Keep your kitchen and other shared spaces well ventilated.
  4. Clean often touched surfaces: Frequently use sanitizer and surface disinfectant to clean the surfaces you toch on a regular basis.
  5. Avoid sharing personal household items: Avoid sharing items such as dishes, towels, bedding and electronics. If possible, do not allow others to wash your dishes and clothes. Try to do it yourself.
  6. Wear a mask: Always wear a mask especially when you are near others. Change your mask every day.
  7. Frequently wash your hands: Wash your hands wkith soap. Apply soap and rub your hands for at-least 20 seconds. For complete information on Hand Wash, read our article (20+) Facebook. Also use an alcohol based hand sanitizer thatb contains at-least 60% alcohol.
  8. Consult a Doctor: If you develop any symptoms or experience any difficulty in breathing or fever, consult a Doctor immediately.

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