A cervical microdiscectomy is used by a surgeon to cut a part of a damaging disc of the cervical spinal cord (neck) using a microscope and microsurgical instruments. Certain patients with a herniated disc in the cervical spine are referred to a cervical microdiscectomy. The nerves leaving the spinal cord are squeezed by a herniated disc (pressure on). The compression of a cervical spine nerve may cause discomfort, tingling, numbness, or weakening shoulders, arms, or hands. (This syndrome is also called the pinching nerve).

The doctor may prescribe non-surgical interventions, including pain and physical therapy before surgery is considered. However, surgery may be considered if these nonoperative interventions do not offer the requisite relief.


A microdiscectomy of the cervix is a minimally invasive intervention. Minimally invasively, specialized treatments are done to mitigate body damage, eliminate scarring, and allow for a quicker recovery.

This is a general anesthesia treatment. The surgeon uses a tubular dilator (tubes of expanding diameter) to make a channel across the neck muscles in order to reach the vertebral spine. The surgeon will then expose the herniated disc and inflamed nerve by cutting a small portion of the lamin and the facial joint. The surgeon extracts the part of the disc, which compresses the nerve, by using microsurgical  instruments.

There is no need to repair the removed part of the lamina. The incision is easily closed with one or two sutures and protected with belt support. Like every surgical operation, a cervical microdiscectomy poses risks.

Treatment at B.P Poddar:

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