The pulp of the tooth that is bloated, sick or dead is a treatment of the root canal. The dental pulp, which contains the dental nerve, blood vessels and connective tissue, is a soft fluid in the middle of the tooth. In the middle of the tooth, the pulp chamber is hollow and it descends into canals extending across the teeth and into the adjacent osseous. Any roots have more than one root channel, but all have one or more.

Root canal therapy (RCT) and endodontic therapy are the most appropriate terminology for a treatment that treats the tooth nerve. Endodontics is a dentistry discipline that specialises in the tooth pulp and tissues around the tooth’s root. A general dentist or an endodontist may handle a root canal problem. An endodontist is a dentist who has been qualified in the fields of root canal therapy for many years since dental school. General dentists are qualified to conduct root canals, but they can refer a patient to an endodontist if the tooth is particularly complicated.

The root canal will remove the dental pulp and fill and seal all the canals and pulp chambers of the tooth to prevent the entry of bacteria.


The nervous and dental pulp is separated and the interior is washed and sealed during a root canal operation. The tissue around the tooth will get irritated and an abscess can develop without treatment. A nerve of a tooth is not essential to the survival and operation of a tooth until the tooth has gone through the gums. It just has a sensory feature — to make it feel warm or cold. A loss of a nerve would not affect the functioning of your teeth. Root canal treatments are considered to be uncomfortable. However, the process itself is not more painful than filling.

What symptoms are expected for a root canal?

You will note these signs if you need a root channel:

  • Denture exposure to heat or cold in particular
  • Chewing or chewing with sharp pain
  • Pimples  on the gums
  • Teeth broken or cracked
  • Gums sore or painful
  • Deep decline or gums darkened.

Why B.P Poddar?

Dental care costs vary considerably but it is reasonably cost-effective to preserve the teeth using the root canal. The other method is extraction, which typically requires more costly extraction and the expense of an implant or a bridge to repair the tooth afterwards. But here at B.P Poddar, the surgery package is much reasonable comparable to the other hospitals in Kolkata.