The upper section of the jaw bone is maxilla. Maxillektomy is called surgery to cut the maxilla.
The treatment of oral cavity cancer (indoors of the mouth), nasal cavity (in the nose) and maxillary sinuses (pockets of the bones on the face) is available through maxillectomy.
In certain cases, chronic eye tearing is a concern depending on the procedure for the patients. It’s because the tubes usually drain tears because they are plugged. Your doctor will insert tiny tubes through the nose to allow the tears to drain. Additional surgery, including skin grafting, tracheostomy (tube / hole to breathe into the neck) and/or feeding the tube may be necessary.
Any such procedures demand that the roof of the mouth where the bone was inserted be packed with protheses (artificial) instruments. This allows for the usual feeding, voice and swallowing. A prothesis system may also be used to preserve skin grafts.
The new innovative technology for Maxillectomy is available at B.P Poddar Hospital, Kolkata, India. Advanced technology supplements our team of surgeons with advanced, but inexpensive Maxillectomy. Maxillectomy costs at B.P Poddar Hospital are one of the lowest compared to other centres in Kolkata, India.