
World Tuberculosis Day

In order to combat the tuberculosis epidemic, World Tuberculosis Day 2023 will be centred on the theme "Yes! We can end TB!" It will promote high-level leadership, increased funding, quicker adoption of new World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations, adoption of innovations, accelerated action, and multisectoral collaboration.

Every year on March 24, the world observes World TB Day to increase public awareness of the disease's grave health, social, and economic repercussions and to intensify efforts to combat its epidemic. On this day in 1882, Dr. Robert Koch revealed he had found the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, paving the way for its detection and eventual treatment.

The focus of World TB Day in 2023 will be on pressing nations to accelerate progress in the run-up to the UN High-Level Conference on Tuberculosis in 2023. WHO will also collaborate with partners to issue a call to action pushing Member States to quicken the adoption of the new, shorter, all-oral treatment regimens for drug-resistant tuberculosis that are recommended by WHO.

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